Daily Quote from David Whyte

All of our great contemplative traditions advocate the necessity for silence in an individual life: first, for gaining a sense of discernment amid the noise and haste, second, as a basic building block of individual happiness, and third, to let this other all-seeing identity come to life and find its voice inside us.

- David Whyte

Today’s Practice:

Listen to the song, “A Quiet Place” as a family. After listening, talk about times when it can help to stop, get quiet and focus on what is going on before making any decisions. Continue with each person sharing what their “quiet place” is in your home or just outside; for example: “my bedroom”, “the chair on our porch”, or “on the couch with our cat,” etc.

David Whyte

David Whyte is an English poet, author, speaker and organizational thinker. Whyte earned a degree in marine biology in Wales and for a time led naturalist tours and expeditions in the Galapagos Islands, the Andes, the Amazon region, and the Himalayas. He currently resides in the Pacific Northwest.