Daily Quote from Shakti Gawain

To affirm means to “make firm.” An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so. It is a way of “making firm” that which you are imaging.

- Shakti Gawain

Today’s Practice:

Ask your children to imagine what they would like to be doing one year from today and ask the following question:

  • What is a dream you have for the future? (For older children, you can have them imagine what they will be doing five years from today).

They can draw a picture of their answer or write their answer in one or two sentences.

Next, ask your children to write a letter to their future selves, telling themselves something they are proud of about who they have become.

Write a letter to your future self as well to share with your children, as they share theirs with you.

Shakti Gawain

Shakti Gawain was a New Age and personal development pioneer, author, and teacher of consciousness.