Symbolic learning strengthens one’s symbolic vision. Symbolic vision means to step back from the immediacy of events to see a bigger picture, a life lesson. -David Levine

Daily Quote from David Levine

Symbolic learning strengthens one’s symbolic vision. Symbolic vision means to step back from the immediacy of events to see a bigger picture, a life lesson.

- David Levine

Today’s Practice:

Share with your children times in your life when you had some difficulties as a student, in your job, or in your relationships that, as you look back, helped you become a better and stronger person. Help your children reflect on times when they had disappointments or challenges that they were able to overcome and learn from. By talking about these past experiences, you are “naming” what it means to have resilience: to have hope and optimism for the future.

David Levine

David Levine is the Founder and Director of Teaching Empathy Institute, in Stone Ridge, NY. After many years as a classroom teacher, he published several books on social and emotional learning and empathy, and is a staff developer for school districts across the country.