Daily Quote from Jelaluddin Rumi

May the beauty we love be what we do.

- Jelaluddin Rumi

Today’s Practice:

The opportunity to positively influence your child’s life is a precious gift. Where do you start?

Begin by articulating the vision you have for yourself by asking the following questions:

  • What is my life’s work as a parent or guardian?
  • How do I explore this calling on a daily basis in words and actions?

These are important questions, and it takes courage to answer them. But once you do so, your vision will become clearer, and ways of manifesting your vision as a parent will come to your mind by way of your heart. Finding your own voice and your own passion is key to helping your children find theirs.

Jelaluddin Rumi

Jelaluddin Rumi, also known as Rumi, was a 13th-century Persian poet, faqih, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic.