From empathy to compassion is but a step. Frederick Franck

Daily Practice Inspired by Frederick Franck

From empathy to compassion is but a step.

- Frederick Franck

Today’s Practice:

It is a natural inclination to practice empathy by making compassionate choices, and it feels good too. By talking about empathy and compassion as conscious choices, and recognizing them as they occur, we highlight these choices as something worthy.

Here are some questions you may wish to use with your children:

  • What does it mean to feel empathy for another?
  • When feeling empathy, what are some actions that can be taken?
  • What types of situations bring out compassion in someone?
  • When have you noticed someone who is compassionate?

Frederick Franck

Frederick Franck was a painter, sculptor, and author of more than 30 books on Buddhism and other subjects who was known for his interest in human spirituality.