When we walk in the dark, we develop eyes for the dark. We then discover that there is light within the dark. No longer is the dark something distant and frightful; now we can come to know the Truth it holds. -Tamarack Song

Daily Practice Inspired By Tamarack Song

When we walk in the dark, we develop eyes for the dark. We then discover that there is light within the dark. No longer is the dark something distant and frightful; now we can come to know the Truth it holds.

-Tamarack Song

Today’s Practice:

Make it routine to talk about moments of appreciation for the experiences you are having with your children, even in times of uncertainty.

Look to highlight the new perspectives, inner strength, and talents that often emerge after a challenging period of reflection and solitude.

Tamarack Song

Author of many books and founder of the Teaching Drum Outdoor School, Tamarack Song has spent his life studying the world’s aboriginal peoples, apprenticing to Elders, and learning traditional hunter-gatherer survival skills.