12 Jun Daily Practice Inspired By Daniel Goleman
Making choices that improve things for all of us on the planet is an act of compassion, a simple act we can do any time we go shopping.
-Daniel Goleman
Today’s Practice:
I’d like to extend Dr. Goleman’s words by adding that compassion is a simple act we can do anytime, anywhere. Whenever we are in the presence of others, even those we do not know (while on a walk for example), we can smile, wave, or just extend our well-wishes. This practice not only can make others smile, but yourself as well. This is a positive take on the saying “What goes around comes around.”
Daniel Goleman
Daniel Goleman is an author and science journalist. For twelve years, he wrote for The New York Times, reporting on the brain and behavioral sciences. He is the author of the book Emotional Intelligence and has written other books on topics including self-deception, creativity, transparency, meditation, social and emotional learning, ecoliteracy and the ecological crisis, and the Dalai Lama’s vision for the future.