Credit Photo: Church of the King vis Unsplash
At Home Lessons for Grades 5-6

Grades 5-6


As we all seek to meet the challenge of creating a learning experience for our students that takes place apart from their teachers, classmates and friends, it is critical to support one another as we do so. At Teaching Empathy Institute, we have such admiration for the work each of you does for your students, and we are here to support you at this disorienting time.


To that end, we are developing a set of School of Belonging at Home learning experiences for you to utilize with your students. Each week we will provide a bundle of five social and emotional micro-learning experiences focusing on friendship, communication skills, resilience, focusing and goal setting. Each session takes between 20-30 minutes and will include songs, practice sheets, reflective writing, and conversation starters to enhance communication with their parents or guardians. On Monday of each week, students will experience a video of David in which he talks about the focus of the songs and lessons they will experience during the week. We hope this material is helpful to you and your students.


Weekly lesson bundles will be released as they are completed. Please email us at Teaching Empathy institute with any additional areas you would like us to focus upon.


Thank you.

At Home Lessons for 5th – 6th Graders



Week Five