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Receive School of Belonging blog updates in your mailbox featuring, music, stories and social and emotional learning practices for you to use at home with your children.
At Home Activities for 5 to 7 Year Olds | 8 to 10 Year Olds |11 to 12 Year Olds
Teaching Empathy Institute’s School of Belonging:at Home resource for caregivers and children seeks to replicate the experiences I had with the songs I listened to when I was growing up. Instead of the traditional songs that I experienced, I have included songs that I have written and shared with thousands of children in schools as part of lessons on friendship, wanting to belong, wanting to be listened to, and being a supportive and caring friend to others. If the words to a song are part of a shared experience between a parent or guardian and a child, then that experience can be recaptured time and again by listening to the song or singing it with other family members and friends.
Belonging at Home is set up to help you and your children have a meaningful and shared experience in which you each have a chance to talk and be listened to. The doorway into this sharing is the music you and your child listen to along with the ideas for conversation about the topics the songs present. I have been teaching children in schools and conducting workshops with parents in communities for over thirty-five years. As a parent myself, I know how hard it can be sometimes to sit and listen to our children for a focused period of time. But I also know how important it is to understand what it is they are going through in school and with their teachers, their friends, and their classmates.
I hope you enjoy the music,
David Levine, Director
Teaching Empathy Institute
Stone Ridge, New York
In my work with 5- to 7-year-olds, my experience is that they love to sing about friendship and the fun things they get to do with their friends. The following songs and activities focus on friendship, doing things together with friends and family, special places, special memories, and communicating what we need.
In my work with 8-to 10-year-olds, my experience is that this is the time in their lives when the reality of how important it is to fit in begins to set in. The songs and activities that follow focus on how to make and keep friends and how to make thoughtful choices toward others. I also present the message that each of them has a special gift or talent to share with others; all they need is the chance to be listened to and celebrated for who they are.
In my work with 11- to 12-year-olds, I focus entirely on what I call “social drama” or what happens when they are with a large number of their peers inside and outside of school. The following songs tell stories of having a close friend, wanting to fit in, and making mistakes by saying the wrong thing to a close friend. Middle school is not always an easy time socially, but by listening to the music and having conversations about the songs together, children will be better equipped to navigate this challenging social and emotional time successfully.